Thursday, April 2, 2020

Learning English Through the Best Learning Software

Learning English Through the Best Learning SoftwareWhat is the best learning English software for teaching English, and how can this software help you? A great many people are interested in learning English as a second language. Many others are interested in learning to speak another language as a means of improving their employment prospects.The fact is that there are a number of different programs available that will suit your particular needs. However, before you go ahead and make a decision, you must first determine exactly what you need for your situation, as well as the specific method by which you intend to use the software.There are a number of different methods of using an English language program. You can choose to use a traditional classroom setting, or one that allows you to learn on your own time, and at your own pace. Alternatively, you may opt to learn through a text messaging service, or through a Skype chat program. In addition, you may also use a program that provid es you with a series of audio files to listen to whenever you wish to learn.When you need to learn English, the best learning English software will help you achieve your objectives. Whether you need to improve your job prospects, you want to practice your speech on the telephone, or you need to help your children learn the language, there are a number of different ways by which you can achieve your objectives.When you learn English online, you will find that there are a number of different programs available to aid you. These programs are also often offered free of charge, but you should make sure that you are making the most of the program, as there are a number of bad products available on the internet, which can do more harm than good.It is also not a very easy way to learn the language, as the challenge is to use the technology to your advantage. With the best learning English software, you will be able to interact with native speakers, and you will be able to practice using you r new vocabulary and grammar on a regular basis.There are plenty of courses available on the internet, and this is where you can find the best English learning software. Make sure that you compare the various sites that offer the programs, and you will find a selection of programs that will suit your needs. Also, ensure that you use the program when you need it, as this will greatly improve your chances of learning the language at a faster rate.

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Online Transformations in Geometry Tutors

Online Transformations in Geometry Tutors In a 2-dimensional coordinate plane, a given object can be transformed by changing its position, its inclination or its size. There are 4 important types of transformations commonly used in geometry. They are: translation, rotation, reflection and dilation. These 4 types of transformations change the object as it slides turns, flips or the size changes respectively. During translation, rotation and reflection the size of the object never changes, however during dilation the size of the object either enlarges or shrinks. Example 1: The length of a side of an object is 12 units. The length of the image of the same object is 3units. Which transformation is used here? Given: object side length = 12 units Image side length = 3 units. Here, clearly the size of the object has been changed since the length of the object is changed. Therefore the transformation used here is Dilation. Scale factor = (Image length) / (Object length) = 3/12 = 1/4 This implies that the objects size has been reduced by a scale factor of 1/4! Example 2: In an X-Y coordinate plane, PQR is a triangle where point P is at (3, 2). The image of the triangle PQR has the point P at (0, 6). Which transformation is used here? Given: point P= (3, 2) and point P= (0, 6) Since the points have been moved, hence the transformation used here is Translation! The x coordinate has changed from 3 to 0==change= 0 (3) = -3 = 3 units to the left. The y coordinate has changed from 2 to 6 == change= 6 (2) = 4 units up.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Excel in Your English Exam- Get Online Help from a Tutor Now

Excel in Your English Exam- Get Online Help from a Tutor Now 0SHARESShare Tutor Pace, a dependable online tutoring website offers you high-quality assistance for your English. Our Online Tutoring Program in English is designed to help you to overcome your entire setback in the language. To score well in your English, you need to have a strong sense of grammar and a healthy vocabulary. Our online English tutors are highly skilled and they undergo extensive training in tutoring to help students improve their reading and writing skills. Our tutoring program covers all grades from K-12 and subject areas. The tutors are well aware of state standards. This is a 24*7 service and students may avail sessions any time from anywhere. People who want to stand in today’s global economy need to speak and write in fluent English. The tutors take one-on-one care to identify the weakness of each student and guide them as per their requirement. Online English Tutoring is the most affordable and convenient way to learn the subject. [starbox id=admin]

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Intro to IG The Gender Wage Gap By Numbers - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Intro to IG The Gender Wage Gap By Numbers - Introvert Whisperer Intro to IG: The Gender Wage Gap By Numbers While extroverts tend to make more than introverts in the workplace, the latter are in for a double whammy if they happen not only to be introverts but also to be women. The reason for this is that there is a wage gap separating men and women one where women end up on the short end of the proverbial stick for no rational reason. Consider, for instance, that women actually earn $0.79 for every $1 that men earn, and statistics show that it will take 44 years up until 2059 for the gender wage gap to be fully eliminated. While conventional wisdom might suggest that women who pursue higher education are probably less likely to encounter wage discrimination, the truth is that the gender wage gap doesn’t appear to be a respecter of academic achievement. For instance: Women who are one year out of college earn 6% less than men Women who earn MBA degrees make $4,600 less than their male peers in their first jobs And while there are lots of benefits to being an introvert, women of this personality type need to be more assertive if they hope to get anything close to paying parity with men before 2059. While 51% of women and 47% of men believe that discussions about wage and salary are discouraged, prohibited, and punishment worthy, the sexes handle things quite differently when it comes to getting job offers. Specifically, 51.5% of men and a merely 12.5% of women ask for more money when receiving job offers, which shows that women are less likely than men to negotiate. And when women do ask for more money, they actually ask for 30% less than men do. This is probably a function of women being penalized for behavior that men are rewarded for. What’s the long-term impact for women who do not bargain? Look below $750,000 to $2 million the amount of money women could lose over the course of their careers if they fail to bargain That’s the sort of sum that could be the difference between living well after retiring and living hand-to-mouth after retiring.

Online English Tutor - Breeze Through Your English Classes

Online English Tutor - Breeze Through Your English Classes 0SHARESShare English is a well read language and is known in every corner of the world. Speak English; you could rule the roost around the world. Still, it is not an easy matter to fit into the academic standards of English learning and you do fall off many a time. An online english tutor is your exact succor in such situations and you could gain the most from him to surpass your struggles in language learning. Online English tutor- advantages Live interactions: Language comes through speaking in its initial stage and you have much scope for it in online tutoring methods- where you have room for one to one interaction with an Online English Tutor. He corrects you then and there in a virtual set up through Skype interaction and helps you improve your spoken language through suitable audio and video clips. It is especially fruitful for an ESL learner to gain insights about native language speaking through proper language trainers. Flexibility in tutoring methods: Every language learner differs in his knowledge of English, writing capacities and in picking up grammar areas. An online tutor in English understands the level of your abilities and works on your weaknesses to turn them into strengths. He customizes his course ware and modifies his tutoring methods to match your standards and helps you grasp the fundamentals in writing, reading and speaking in an effective manner. Suitable tips for improving your language: In a classroom when you are packed with a crowd, individual attention on the part of your teacher can not be expected. Same way, 100% concentration on the tips and suggestions rendered in the classroom is also not possible. English homework help on the other hand helps everyone with tips in a personalized manner for improving reading capabilities, vocabulary, writing techniques and speaking efficiencies to bring an overall growth in your language learning. Simple strategies and a little help would be enough for you to overcome the struggles you come across in English learning. An English assignment help  from Tutor Pace does it excellently well for you. [starbox id=admin]

The History of Sewing

The History of Sewing Learn to Sew: a Brief History of Sewing Lessons ChaptersBasic Sewing: How it All BeganSewing Projects: from Early Civilisation until TodaySewing Tools: Do You Have These in Your Sewing Kit?Patterns for Success: Fashion Shows as Creative ExpressionHow did the practice of sewing get its start?How did it evolve into the multi-billion dollar fashion industry we all know of today?For our next speculation, we must outline the following fact:To clothe oneself is a necessary aspect of human life.If that is indeed the truth, why do clothing prices range from a few pounds for a serviceable, off-the-rack garment to evening attire and business wear that costs more than a month's wages  for some?Why are events that showcase talent in clothing design so heavily attended?How did we get from draping ourselves in animal pelts to scantily clad Victoria's Secret models parading on the fashion  runway?Would you believe us if we said that high fashion and the Titanic are intimately related?Let Superprof now draw back the curtains of time, take you bac k to that first stitch, to see how it grew into the sewing culture we know today.Discover also how to sew from our sewing tutorials...The first sewing needles were made of bone Source: Wikimedia Credit: British History Museum fashion shows and high fashion itself became a part of high society living only toward the end of the 19th century.And it was all because of an Englishman named Charles Frederick Worth.Impoverished in childhood, he was apprenticed to Swan Edgar in Piccadilly at age 12, after an unsatisfying tenure at a print shop.He moved to Paris when he was twenty one and, even though he spoke no French, found employment at a fabric store that sold their goods primarily to the royal court dressmakers.Annoyed by the mediocre quality of dresses sold in complement to fine shawls and cashmere scarves  the store stocked, he started sewing his own designs, which caught the eyes of the well-positioned clientèle that frequented said mercantile establishment.The rest, as they say, i s history.His fine stitching and expert tailoring won him entrance into the world of dressmaking.Today, Mr. Worth is revered as the father of haute couture.Thanks to him, Paris became the world's center for fashion.Especially after 1868, when the Trade Association for High Fashion was established in that city, many aspiring tailors and designers, even from other countries, set up shop in Paris.Plenty of native French did so, too: Jacques Doucet, Mrs Paquin, the Callot Sisters and Paul Poiret among them.Although Mr. Worth was the first to use live models to promote his designs, the credit for popularising the practice goes to another English native: Lady Duff-Gordon.Working under the professional name Lucile, she was the first designer in the UK to gain international acclaim.Lady Duff-Gordon is the originator of the mannequin parade, the precursor to the today's live fashion shows.Quite apart from the fashion world, she is also known as one of the few Titanic survivors.Aside from the fame and scandal garnered by the Titanic rumour, more and more designers jumped on the idea of live models displaying their creations.The rumour in question is that  that her husband allegedly bribed crew members in their lifeboat to not turn around and rescue more people.It was Lady Duff-Gordon who trained the first catwalkers to adopt the haughty mien still expressed by models today.The idea of using models to demonstrate how designed creations flow with the body's movement caught on, and soon, regular fashion shows were scheduled through the Trade Association's three branches.Thus, fashion became an industry.Find out how a serger makes sewing more efficient!The American Natives' tipi are created by sewing animal hides together Source: Pixabay Credit: SkitterphotoSewing Projects: from Early Civilisation until TodayPrimitive man drew on natural resources, found in his environment, to clothe himself and create shelter.Crude sewing techniques were born of the need to protect oneself : from the elements as well as more tangible threats.Early man's wardrobe consisted of tanned animal pelts.Sewing needles were fashioned of bone or ivory, depending on the region the clan in question roamed.Elemental thread was made by stretching animal guts and tendons.Needless to say, nobody in the Paleolithic era hosted quilting bees.Instead, greater means of self-protection were devised.As our earliest ancestors designed more tools, they would find new ways to work hides: for building shelter and for foot coverings.American Indians are notorious for their craftsmanship in that respect. The design for their traditional moccasins, deer hide sewn with thin strips of the leather, survive today.Would you like to bet they would have loved to have had a rotary cutter for their fine, detailed work?Meanwhile, in Africa, where protection from the elements was not such an urgent affair, occupants of the Cradle of Humanity used broad, sturdy leaves tied with vines to protect their feet.Howe ver, as hunter gatherers, they were far more interested in fashioning baskets. This was done by interweaving various types of leaves and grasses together.The earliest records of woven fabric â€" felt made of wool fibres, date back about six thousand years. Chinese silk goes back just about that far.Depictions of clothing from Ancient Greece reveal that, while fabric was certainly dyed, it was not sewn.The fashion of the day called for draping lengths of cloth; metal clasps were worn to hold things together. There were generally no seams or stitches of any type in any of those garments.Over millenia, the process of producing fabric grew ever more refined until, around the Middle Ages, well-to-do citizens of Europe could treat themselves to tailored dresses, pants and shirts.For the most part, the job of sewing these pieces was confined to women, who were labeled seamstresses.The next big step in the evolution of sewing came from Barthélémy Thimonnier, the inventor of the sewing mac hine, in 1830.A tailor himself, he married a woman whose embroidery designs earned her a living in her own right.His machine, patented with the help of a mining engineer, permitted him to establish the world's first machine-based clothing factory.It did not last long. Reports indicated that the workers themselves burned it down, out of fear that these machines â€" that could sew six times faster than hand sewing, would cost them their jobs.A subsequent patent was issued to Mr. Thimonnier for an embroidery machine, ostensibly to make his wife's work easier.The final historical step in sewing was taken by an American named Walter Hunt, the inventor of the lockstitch sewing machine: the same, efficient method used in machine sewing today.He also designed the safety pin; frequently used in making quilts.Join the discussion: should the art of sewing be reserved exclusively to women?Sewing Tools: Do You Have These in Your Sewing Kit?Needle and thread does not a sewing kit make.If such is the extent of your allowance to needlework, you may need a sewing tutorial or two.A well-equipped sewing kit should include, at a minimum:a needle assortmentincluding sewing machine needles, if your crafting aspirations include more than easy projectsa thimble or twoa collection of thread â€" of all types and coloursa needle threader would probably come in handy, toostraight pins and a pincushiona seam rippersewing scissors  - you may want to consider buying pinking shears and a rotary cutter; not just fabric shearsmeasuring tapeGoing further: you might frequent the sewing notions counter to select an assortment of zippers and buttons, maybe some hooks and eyes, or other types of  fasteners.A chalk pencil or two would come in handy for tracing patterns and marking fabric. You could pick it up when you select your sewing patterns.Elastic, velcro and bias tape should also be on your list.You may be starting out with simple sewing projects, but as you learn more, the more sewing suppli es you will need.If you are intent on going beyond hand stitching; if you have already bought your first sewing machine â€" or your first serger, you may have to take a couple of sewing tutorials.At the least, you should learn sewing machine terminology: bobbin, presser foot, thread guide, feed dogs, and stitch selector.You should also know the names of various types of stitches: backstitch, whipstitch, slip stitch, running stitch, blind stitch, basting stitch...You might opt for sewing lessons online: install your computer right in your sewing room, so that you can practice  the various manoeuvres  as you are learning how to sew.As you are taking these sewing courses, you may hear these basic sewing terms:seam and seam allowancehemliningdartspipingquiltingIn short, here is the straight stitch on sewing basics:Rather than picking up sewing tips from watching sewing videos, or reading sewing blogs or sewing books, it would be best to learn how to sew from somebody who is qualified to teach the craft.Check for sewing classes London here.Learning how to sew is a pattern for discipline and creativity Source: Pixabay Credit: 4Me2DesignYou too can gain an entire lexicon of sewing terms!Patterns for Success: Fashion Shows as Creative ExpressionIn spite of the insouciant attitude evinced by catwalk models during Fashion Week, a great deal of work (and worry!) goes into realising those biannual displays.And, what crowds they draw!Not just spectators and buyers for retailers, but the models, the designers, the artistic creators  - music arrangers, lighting engineers, set designers...The press!And behind the seams, far from the hullabaloo; concealed from the lights and behind the backdrop:The seamstress, finishing those last few sewing stitches on a hem or neckline, even as the model saunters toward the runway, with the garment swirling around her, showing it off to its best advantage.The prop master, checking the patchwork on purses or the appliqué on jackets â€" if th at season's line calls for such.The unsung dressmaker is, to great extent, responsible for our twice-yearly frolic into the tricks and technique of that multi-billion dollar industry.We should take our hat off to that sewer, even as we expound on the fact that high fashion does not necessarily produce practical garments for everyday wear.Fashion is not a particularly profitable enterprise.While it is true that a dress or skirt â€" or a scarf may fetch several thousand pounds, few people have the means to buy them, meaning that all of the skill and passion invested in these shows yields proportionately little return.And, after all of the confetti has been tossed and the champagne drunk, there remain bills to pay, including the wages of those that stitch the lofty threads together.The machine driving this phenomenon, besides the economy, is recognition.Fashion houses need to keep their label vital, visible and current; in touch with the times.In fact, one could say that they create th e times!Fashion Week happens in three major European cities: Paris, Milan and London; and across the pond, in New York.Their hype and embellishment seem to contrast sharply with any beginner sewing projects you might have undertaken out of fabric scraps from your grandmother's pattern making, doesn't it?Tying the knot on this sewing introspective, we conclude:Fashion, above all, is an art of change. - John GallianoIf such can be said of fashion,  shouldn't that sentiment include  plying the needle and learning to sew  as a step in your personal evolution?Discover how you can learn to sew from the masters of fashion!Explore how to interface fabric.Find out about French seams.

Musicians Checklist How to Promote Your Band [Infographic]

Musicians Checklist How to Promote Your Band [Infographic] Megan L. Congrats on getting the big gig! Whether youre preparing for your bands first show or your album-release party, these tips will help you learn how to promote your band, make your best impression on stage, and get invited back to the venue to do it all again. Share this Image On Your Site pstrongPlease include attribution to TakeLessons with this graphic./strong/pbr /br /br /br / pa href=/blog/how-to-promote-your-band-infographic-z01img src=/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Musicians-Checklist-Gigging-Tips.png alt=Musicians Checklist: 23 Little Things That Will Help You Nail Your Next Gig width=710px border=0 //a/pbr /br /br /br / p At Least One Week Before Put up posters around town. Dont rely completely on social media and the Internet to promote your band. An eye-catching flyer or poster is another great way to grab attention and bring people out to your show. Step up promotion on social media. Share and re-share your Facebook event and a digital image of your flyer or poster, and make sure youve invited all your local friends and followers. Contact local bloggers, radio personalities, and alt weekly writers. If you can get a little media coverage for your gig, youll be able to reach new fans. Plus you can share the coverage you get on social media to keep your current fans engaged and excited. Look for people who specialize in covering local music or music in your genre to help you out. Send an email to your local fans. Maybe youve noticed that its hard to reach all your fans on Facebook? For that reason, its a great idea to have an email list, as well. When you have a big show coming up, you can be sure your fans will get your email. The same cant be said for your Facebook posts. Confirm advance information with the venue. Make sure you know what time you need to set up, how long your set is, and the terms for payment have been agreed upon. The Day Before Double-check your gear. Do all your cables work? Do you need new strings? Better to take care of those things now than have an equipment issue on stage. Pack your gig bag. I like to bring a bottle of water, a couple protein bars, a roll of duct tape, extra ear plugs, sharpies, spare guitar strings, a handful of guitar picks, a bottle of hand sanitizer, and a small notebook with me to each show. Pack your bag the day before to get it out of the way and reduce stress the day of the show. Print or write copies of your set list. Dont wing it on stage. Make sure youve planned your set and practiced it before your show. Plan your outfit. Figure out what you want to wear and lay it out somewhere. Dont add stress  by scrambling to find the right stage look  at the very last minute.  If youre in a band or ensemble, talk about what youre going to wear with the group so you can present a cohesive image. Get a good nights sleep. Youll perform better when youre rested, and youll have more fun. The Day Of Banish your stagefright with a calming activity. Get into a good mindset by reading a book, meditating, exercising, or watching your favorite show. Figure out what calms you and helps you prepare to play like the rockstar you are. Eat a light meal two to three hours before you perform.  When youre on stage, you dont want to feel heavy and sleepy like youve just eaten five Thanksgiving dinners, but you also dont want to get hungry and lightheaded. Have a healthy meal so youll be on top of your game. At the Gig Be there on time. Being punctual shows the venue that you respect their time, appreciate the opportunity youve been given to perform, and that youre professional. Seriously, if you dont follow any of these other tips, you must at least show up on time. Always be polite and professional. Save your complaints about the crowd, venue, or other bands for the privacy of your rehearsal space. When youre at the gig, be positive and kind. You never know whos watching, and you want to make a great impression. Say hi to the sound person, and remember their  name. The sound guy or gal is the person who has the biggest impact on how youll sound in the audience. Be nice to them, and always remember to thank them for the  help. Make friends with the other bands. Hang out and watch their sets, and theyll want to stay for yours, too. If youre lucky, the other bands will  like you and offer you another great gig. Dont forget to bring merch. One of the best ways to make money at a gig is to have something for sale. Additionally, people will remember you better if they have something to take with them. Whether youve got stickers and CDs or vinyl records and t-shirts, dont play a show without putting something on the merch table. Always thank the venue, the fans, and the other bands during your set. Be gracious, and spread the love. Being likable will help you get further in your local music scene than just talent alone. Have fun on stage!!! Enjoy your time in the spotlight. Your audience will feel the vibes and have a great time, too. The Next Day Post thank yous on social media to your fans, the other bands, and the venue. Keep the good times rolling by thanking everyone again. They  will notice and appreciate it. Re-post the photos that your  fans shared at the gig. If someone captured a really great live shot of you, show other people what they missed out on by sharing it. You can generate buzz for your next show by sharing how much fun your show was last night. Update the upcoming gigs list on your website. Make sure your concert listings stay current by updating your site the next day. Or, if remembering to update your list is too hard, sign up for  Songkick  and their widget will update for you when the gig has passed.  All you have to do is enter your performance dates, and Songkick will display them on your website, Facebook, SoundCloud, and other sites. Once  the gig has come and gone, remember that the most important thing is the music. Keep practicing and working on your craft, whether you have a show coming up or not. You can always  improve musically, and youll likely find you get better with every gig you play. Rock on, and good luck! Do you teach music lessons? Teaching music lessons is a great way for musicians to earn more on the side. Create a TakeLessons profile today to help you grow and manage your private teaching business! Photo by  Kmeron Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher